We urge you to reverse the proposed rule limiting excise tax duty drawback.
We urge you to reverse the proposed rule limiting excise tax duty drawback.
The duty drawback program creates good-paying jobs, encourages manufacturing, and incentivizes American exports. Recently, workers who benefit from this critical program wrote letters to President and urged him to preserve this critical program:
I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposed regulations submitted by the Treasury Department that include language barring U.S. producers of beer, wine, and distilled spirits from participating in the substitution duty drawback program.
The duty drawback program in an important export-promotion program and the continued delay in issuing and finalizing these regulations will have a negative economic impact on manufacturers and jobs in our states. We ask you to finalize the TFTEA regulations without delay.
On behalf of our home state of Arkansas, we are writing to express our concerns with the regulations for the Trade Facilitation & Trade Enforcement act of 2015 (TFTEA). We believe that the implementing language for Section 906 recently submitted for review to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) by the U.S. Treasury […]